
Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Review

I’ve done it! I’ve completed the whole 12 weeks, plus 4 weeks pre-training! Like I’ve said all along, I loved it! There were times when it was really hard, but I pushed through and I did it!

I’ve already written posts reviewing the Pre-Training, Weeks 1-4, and Weeks 5-8, so I won’t talk about them here. Click in the links above to read those reviews. As for the last 4 weeks, I found myself starting to lose motivation a little bit. I still did all of my workouts, but I was procrastinating.

The last 4 weeks had some really hard workouts. I think what made them so hard is the workouts are no longer “Legs and Cardio” and “Arms and Abs”, but “Legs”, “Arms”, and “Abs”. This means that the whole workout is working on the same part of the body, with no rest while you work on something else. Kayla really busts out the push ups in these last 4 weeks too. I counted the number of push ups (all different kinds) in one of the arms workouts and it was 240… 240! That’s a lot of push ups. But I felt so great afterward, like I’d really accomplished something great!

I also found myself reviewing my work out before hand, and thinking, Burpies, easy. Step ups, easy. Ab bikes, easy. Stuff that used to be hard was now easy! That was motivating. A lot of the exercises in the last 4 weeks were so intricate, you were so busy focusing on doing it right that you didn’t have time to think about how hard it was, and before you knew it, your reps were done!

Okay, time for the before and afters. The top photos were taken at the beginning of Week 1, and the bottom were taken at the end of Week 12.


My legs are smaller, my arms are smaller, and my belly is smaller! Considering for the entire time I ate whatever I wanted, I’m extremely happy with my results here! My weight has remained the same, but obviously I’ve turned some fat in to muscle and I’m so happy about that. I feel so much stronger and fitter!

I’ve restarted the whole Bikini Body Guide again! I’m on Week 2 now, and I’ve been following Kayla’s Help Nutrition Guide too! I feel strongly that I’ve incorporated exercise in to my life and routine, and now it’s time to do the same with healthy eating. The next review with before and afters I do for Kayla’s guides will likely be at the end of this 12 weeks, so stay tuned!! Let’s see if healthy eating really does make the big difference everyone says it does.

Check out my new Youtube video that corresponds to this post!

X Laura