
10 Week Postpartum Check In

I've decided that since Oliver was born on a Thursday, that posting my check-ins on Friday makes more sense than Monday. So here we are, checking in on a Friday! Sleep Well Ollie is finally out of leap 2, which means less screaming during the day and slightly better sleep at night. On occasion he's… Continue reading 10 Week Postpartum Check In


8 Week Postpartum Check In

Here we are in week 8. Oliver is still in his second leap, and this week has been much more challenging than the last. He'll only sleep on my lap during the day, which means getting anything done is a struggle. My home for the last week has been the couch. Nap Trapped Sleep With… Continue reading 8 Week Postpartum Check In

Diary, Uncategorized

Back in the Swing as a New Mom

Well, it's been three years since my last post on this site. To say there's been some changes in my life would be a massive understatement! I won't rehash everything, but here's the basics: I married the love of my life, TonyThe whole world went into lock down and life as we knew it changed… Continue reading Back in the Swing as a New Mom


Dairy of a Pole Dancer: First Class

About 6 months ago I was ready for a change. I'd been dragging my heals in regards to going to the gym, and I wanted to try something new. That's when I discovered pole fitness. I had thought about it before, but had never taken action, and being in the workout rut that I was,… Continue reading Dairy of a Pole Dancer: First Class


Miss Active Brand Review

Through a group of women empowering women, I stumbled across Miss Active and their Brand Rep opportunity. I’ve done some similar things in the past that didn’t really work out or turn in to anything, and I was keen to try something else. So I applied via the Miss Active website, and after about a… Continue reading Miss Active Brand Review