
Wish Vs. Miss Active #LIFT #SQUAT Leggings

We’ve all seen the #lift # squat leggings on social media. They look awesome, and when I saw them available on Wish for $8 including shipping, I grabbed a pair. Now, this is Wish we’re talking about. If you haven’t read any of my Wish Hauls, you can check them out: Haul #1, Haul #2,… Continue reading Wish Vs. Miss Active #LIFT #SQUAT Leggings


Too Faced Melted Matte Lipstick Review

I recently bought the Better than Sex Waterproof mascara from Too Faced, and I absolutely fell in love! Stay tuned for a review on that. So when I went hunting for a red matte liquid lipstick, I was so excited to find that Too Faced sold one! I bought it straight away, in the colour… Continue reading Too Faced Melted Matte Lipstick Review


Wish Haul #2

Alright, so I've been back on, and I'm here to show you what I got! If you missed my first Wish Haul, you can see it here! Below I'll show you what was advertised online, how much is cost (AUD) plus shipping, and how it actually looked. I'll also give you a little description… Continue reading Wish Haul #2

Fitness, Review

Vegan For A Month – My Experience

So a month ago, actually, five weeks ago now, I decided to trial a vegan diet for a month. You can watch my original Vegan for 1 Week video here. Basically, I was so sick of feeling tired all of the time, and since I’ve tried almost every other diet out there, I figured I’d give… Continue reading Vegan For A Month – My Experience


Paragon Fitwear Tank Review

Paragon Fitwear is a relatively new company who sells, you guessed it, Fitwear! They have both a men’s and woman’s range, plus accessories. Their ethos revolves around intrinsic motivation (so motivation from within rather than from external sources) and the Three C’s: Challenge – Push yourself, accomplish your goals, and see your strengths develop. Choice… Continue reading Paragon Fitwear Tank Review